
Rough Demo,“You’re Not That Far”

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

[audio:|titles=You’re Not That Far ] The clip above is a song in progress that will be on my new album. It’s about a lonely gravedigger who wants to save the woman he loves before she dies. Click here for the story behind it.    

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How a Hairy Prospector Gave Me New Album Gold

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
How a Hairy Prospector Gave Me New Album Gold

  DANIEL: “Ok, I have an idea. Give me a minute.” Daniel then proceeded to type furiously on his Mac. I sat on my couch across from him, pondering the scribbles in my notepad. It was summer. Nashville. 2011. We were spending the afternoon inside wrestling with the creation of my next album. Where should […]

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Mountain Alarm

Monday, February 27th, 2012

[tubepress video=”rAcYt1Rxi7U”]   As I blogged about a couple of weeks ago here, I’m in the beautiful high-altitude of Ruidoso, New Mexico working on songs for my next album. Along for the trip is one of my good friends and co-writers, Daniel Bowden. The beautiful air and scenic views are a welcome distraction…but we’re here to work, […]

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The Trouble With Bears and Rock n’ Roll

Thursday, February 16th, 2012
The Trouble With Bears and Rock n’ Roll

Hear about the animated kid’s bear that won the Grammy? That’s right, the internet’s abuzz with Bonnie Bear, the cuddly little gramophone-toting (oddly enough) bear that won Best New Artist. And I’m so pumped about this because I’ve produced children’s music for such gems as The Hungry Caterpillar and an assortment of Dr. Seuss books. (One of […]

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Grammys and Goliaths

Monday, February 13th, 2012
Grammys and Goliaths

Adele won the trifecta last night at the Grammy’s: Record, Song, and Album of the Year. Now I’m moving on to my own musical trifecta: Mountains, Cabin, and Song-Writing. One week from today, I’ll be incognito in the pristine desert air of Ruidoso, New Mexico laboring on my Album of the Year…and though I don’t […]

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Build It and Randy Travis Will Come…

Friday, February 10th, 2012
Build It and Randy Travis Will Come…

I’ve got wood. Randy Travis’ wood to be exact. That’s right. I’m now the proud owner of several planks of wood from his old barn. And they say that there are 6 degrees of separation between any two people on earth. But all that separates Randy and me are several planks of wood and a […]

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The Spittin’ Mama and the Nuthin’ MacGuffin

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Lately, I’ve been hard at work writing lyrics for my next album. And writing always has its influences, especially when they’re geniuses. Paul Simon is a genius. One of the best songwriters…I would say…ever. Take Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard.  This song sits proudly on my inspirational mantelpiece. I like to look at […]

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Super World Peace Salsa Bowl

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

  I read that the total amount of salsa consumed on Super Bowl Sunday could flood the entire earth and would be deep enough to cover the highest mountain…Mount Everest. No, that’s true. I’m almost positive. Anyway, back to my original point. The Super Bowl is just about the biggest thing that’s ever happened on […]

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Last Year’s Loving . . . & other receipts

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Receipts remind me of money I no longer have.   Stacks of receipts remind me of taxes… and I guess stacks of money I no longer have. Tonight, I finally brought myself to sit down and deal with my 2010 taxes.  I pulled out a small green Ikea box full of wads of crumpled receipts, and […]

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Harry Potter . . . and the Magical Chisel

Sunday, July 17th, 2011
Harry Potter . . . and the Magical Chisel

I’ve got a hobby. Woodworking came straight from my grandfather and is thick in my blood.  He had me working the drill press when I was still in single digits.  Long hours in his New Mexico workshop by some might be considered child labor, but I loved it.  We’d make wooden guns, trains, dog-mansions, and even a […]

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